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¨Words of Hope in Troubled Times¨
Bright Hong Kong hosted José Ramos-Horta, Nobel Peace Prize 1996
Special Guests: Dieter Lamlé, Damián Martínez, Christopher Tremewan &  Gary Stokes
6th of September, 2018
¨Rethinking Hong Kong´s relations with Mainland China¨
Special Guests: Christine Loh, Amb.Carmen Cano & CG Damián Martínez Tagüeña 
31st of May, 2018
¨Reinventing the European Democracy and Leadership¨
Special Guests: Alexander Krijger, Dr. Peter Hefele, Mr. Rogier Heddkin, 
Dr. Werner Hess and Dr. Jean-Pierre Cabestan
2nd of May, 2018
¨The U.S.  and China: The End of the Affair 
With due respect to Graham Greene…..¨¨ 
Special Guests: Andrew Browne, Brigadier Christopher Hammerbeck &                                     Dr. Christopher Tremewan
16th of April, 2018
Launching of the book ¨Song of Praise for a Flower: 
One Woman's Journey through China's Tumultuous 20th Century¨ 
Special Guests: Charlene Chu & Hon. Anson Chan
29th of March, 2018
Plastic: The Material that Binds the Planet
A Dialogue with Doug Woodring, HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco Award
for Innovative Philantrophy 2018 
Special Guests: Mr. Eric Berti, CG of France;  Ms. Jacinta Reddan, Mr. Ivan Tse
27th of February, 2018
China´s emergence as a World power.
How history is shaping China's future
A Dialogue with Prof. Rana Mitter
Special Guests: Mr. Paul Kwok TANG, JP Andrew So & Ms. Pola Antebi 
7th of December, 2017
Human Rights Watch on LGBT Rights in China
A Dialogue with Boris Dittrich
Special Guests: Boris Dittrich, CG Annemieke Rugrok & Dennis Phillipse
13th of November, 2017
Analysis and reflections
19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
Special Guests: Hon. Anson Chan, Amb. Dieter Lamlé, Msgr. Javier Herrera Corona
& Prof. Jean-Pierre Cabestan
27th of October, 2017
How Capitalism Can Cope With Its Crisis?
How our values & behavior shapes the economy
Special Guests: Prof. Alicia García-Herrero & Amb. Carmen Cano, Head of the EU in HK
28th of September, 2017
Human Dignity:
A Concept of Enlightment & Inalienable Rights
Special Guest: Amb. Nikolaus Graff Lambsdorff
28th of June, 2017
Populism & Nationalism:
Democracy on the Brink

Special Guest: Amb. Claudia Reinprecht , Permanent Representative of Austria to UNESCO

31st of May, 2017
Asia and The New Global Disorder

Special Guest: Jean-Pierre Lehmann, Professor Emeritus of International Political Economy at the International Institute for Management Development (IMD)

27th of April, 2017
Inequelity, Globalization & World Politics:
The Great Metamorphosis of the 21st Century

Special Guest: Prof. Ngaire Woods, Founder & Dean, Blavatnik Institute at Oxford University

22nd of March, 2017
Hope as a By-product of Innovation

Special Guests: Prof. Po Chi Wu & Dr. Sari Arho

13th of January, 2017
Outlook on The US Elections: The Paradox of Democracy
Special Guest: Prof. Jack Goldstone, CG Germany, Nikolaus Graf-Lambsdorf &
Consul General of Mexico, Damián Martínez Tagüeña
8 of December, 2016.
Hong Kong-Vienna Dialogue
City Smart Development in Europe
Supporting the European Union Academic Programme in Hong Kong.
The Asian Century: Managing Within Constraints
Special Guest: Chandran Nair & Carmen Cano, Head of the European Union in HK

4 of November, 2016.

Ethics, Business & Spirituality

Special Guests: John Van Praag, Pat Fok & Carlo Imó

26 of September, 2016.

The Future of Free Trade...
and the time to stand for humanity…

Special Guests: Prof. Jack Goldstone, Damián Martínez & Alessandro Paolicchi

26 of August, 2016.

Hong Kong-Macau:
Asia´s Hub for Arts, Business & Entertainment

Special Guests: Dr. Wilfred Wong,  Anthony Lau, Charles Ng & Eden Woon

23 of May, 2016.

Hate Speech:
Citizenship,Governance & Human Rights Challenge

Special Guests: Prof. Jack Goldstone, Amb. Nikolaus Graf Lambsdorf, Vincent Picket & Prof. John Burns

 29 of April, 2016

A Women´s World: The Reacheable Utopia
on ocassion of the International Women's Day

Special Guests: Kathleen Ferrier, Rachel Cartland & Alice Mong

8 of March, 2016
50 Years of Mexico in Hong Kong

Keynote Speaker: Amb. Julián Ventura

Mexican Ambassador to the People´s Republic of China

27 of January, 2016

The Greening of Asia: The Business Case for Solving Asia’s Environmental Emergency

Special Guests: Christine Loh & Mark Clifford

15 of January, 2016

Religion, Tolerance & Reconciliation

On the ocassion of the International Human's Rights Day

Special Guest: Rev. Tjeerd de Boer

10 of December, 2016

Innovation & Society

Special Guests: Simon Galpin, Sandro Desideri & Mike Mastroyiannis 

25 of November, 2016

Modern Slavery.
The New Abolitionist Movement & The Tragedy of Comfort Women

Special Guest: Matthew Freedman and Sylvia Yu

30 of October, 2016

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