¨Words of Hope in Troubled Times¨
Bright Hong Kong hosted José Ramos-Horta, Nobel Peace Prize 1996
Special Guests: Dieter Lamlé, Damián Martínez, Christopher Tremewan & Gary Stokes
6th of September, 2018

¨Rethinking Hong Kong´s relations with Mainland China¨
Special Guests: Christine Loh, Amb.Carmen Cano & CG Damián Martínez Tagüeña
31st of May, 2018

¨Reinventing the European Democracy and Leadership¨
Special Guests: Alexander Krijger, Dr. Peter Hefele, Mr. Rogier Heddkin,
Dr. Werner Hess and Dr. Jean-Pierre Cabestan
2nd of May, 2018

Dr. Hess is Deputy Director of the European Union Academic Programme.

Consul Deputy Consul-General of Netherlands.
¨The U.S. and China: The End of the Affair
With due respect to Graham Greene…..¨¨
Special Guests: Andrew Browne, Brigadier Christopher Hammerbeck & Dr. Christopher Tremewan
16th of April, 2018

Consul General of Germany at Hong Kong and Macau

Secretary General at Association of Pacific Rim Universities APRU

Launching of the book ¨Song of Praise for a Flower:
One Woman's Journey through China's Tumultuous 20th Century¨
Special Guests: Charlene Chu & Hon. Anson Chan
29th of March, 2018

Plastic: The Material that Binds the Planet
A Dialogue with Doug Woodring, HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco Award
for Innovative Philantrophy 2018
Special Guests: Mr. Eric Berti, CG of France; Ms. Jacinta Reddan, Mr. Ivan Tse
27th of February, 2018

China´s emergence as a World power.
How history is shaping China's future
A Dialogue with Prof. Rana Mitter
Special Guests: Mr. Paul Kwok TANG, JP Andrew So & Ms. Pola Antebi
7th of December, 2017

Bright Hong Kong in collaboration with University of Oxford hosted Prof. Rana Mitter the 7th of December, 2017. Prof. Mitter gave a lecture on "China's emergence as a world power. How history is shaping China's future".

Human Rights Watch on LGBT Rights in China
A Dialogue with Boris Dittrich
Special Guests: Boris Dittrich, CG Annemieke Rugrok & Dennis Phillipse
13th of November, 2017

Analysis and reflections
19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
Special Guests: Hon. Anson Chan, Amb. Dieter Lamlé, Msgr. Javier Herrera Corona
& Prof. Jean-Pierre Cabestan
27th of October, 2017

Prof. Jean-Pierre Cabestan leaded the discussion. Other participants: Hon. Anson Chan and Amb. Dieter Lamlé, CG of Germany.

How Capitalism Can Cope With Its Crisis?
How our values & behavior shapes the economy
Special Guests: Prof. Alicia García-Herrero & Amb. Carmen Cano, Head of the EU in HK
28th of September, 2017

Human Dignity:
A Concept of Enlightment & Inalienable Rights
Special Guest: Amb. Nikolaus Graff Lambsdorff
28th of June, 2017

Populism & Nationalism:
Democracy on the Brink
Special Guest: Amb. Claudia Reinprecht , Permanent Representative of Austria to UNESCO
31st of May, 2017

Asia and The New Global Disorder
Special Guest: Jean-Pierre Lehmann, Professor Emeritus of International Political Economy at the International Institute for Management Development (IMD)
27th of April, 2017

Inequelity, Globalization & World Politics:
The Great Metamorphosis of the 21st Century
Special Guest: Prof. Ngaire Woods, Founder & Dean, Blavatnik Institute at Oxford University
22nd of March, 2017

Dean at Blavatnik Institute, Oxford University

Hope as a By-product of Innovation
Special Guests: Prof. Po Chi Wu & Dr. Sari Arho
13th of January, 2017

Outlook on The US Elections: The Paradox of Democracy
Special Guest: Prof. Jack Goldstone, CG Germany, Nikolaus Graf-Lambsdorf &
Consul General of Mexico, Damián Martínez Tagüeña
8 of December, 2016.

Hong Kong-Vienna Dialogue
City Smart Development in Europe
Supporting the European Union Academic Programme in Hong Kong.

Maria Vassilakou is Deputy Mayor of the City of Vienna and an enthusiastic support to make of the city an example.

Dr. Werner Hess, Ms. Claudia Reinprecht, Ms. Julia Girardi, Germán Muñoz, Mr. Ken Lai Sze and Paul Zimmerman.

The Asian Century: Managing Within Constraints
Special Guest: Chandran Nair & Carmen Cano, Head of the European Union in HK
4 of November, 2016.

Ethics, Business & Spirituality
Special Guests: John Van Praag, Pat Fok & Carlo Imó
26 of September, 2016.

The Future of Free Trade...
and the time to stand for humanity…
Special Guests: Prof. Jack Goldstone, Damián Martínez & Alessandro Paolicchi
26 of August, 2016.

Hong Kong-Macau:
Asia´s Hub for Arts, Business & Entertainment
Special Guests: Dr. Wilfred Wong, Anthony Lau, Charles Ng & Eden Woon
23 of May, 2016.

Hate Speech:
Citizenship,Governance & Human Rights Challenge
Special Guests: Prof. Jack Goldstone, Amb. Nikolaus Graf Lambsdorf, Vincent Picket & Prof. John Burns
29 of April, 2016

A Women´s World: The Reacheable Utopia
on ocassion of the International Women's Day
Special Guests: Kathleen Ferrier, Rachel Cartland & Alice Mong
8 of March, 2016

50 Years of Mexico in Hong Kong
Keynote Speaker: Amb. Julián Ventura
Mexican Ambassador to the People´s Republic of China
27 of January, 2016

The Greening of Asia: The Business Case for Solving Asia’s Environmental Emergency
Special Guests: Christine Loh & Mark Clifford
15 of January, 2016

Religion, Tolerance & Reconciliation
On the ocassion of the International Human's Rights Day
Special Guest: Rev. Tjeerd de Boer
10 of December, 2016

Innovation & Society
Special Guests: Simon Galpin, Sandro Desideri & Mike Mastroyiannis
25 of November, 2016

Modern Slavery.
The New Abolitionist Movement & The Tragedy of Comfort Women
Special Guest: Matthew Freedman and Sylvia Yu
30 of October, 2016